country: ke radio: mulembe-fm-97-9
Mulembe Fm Mulembe Fm
Mulembe Fm
Mulembe Fm was coined from the word Mulembe which means peace, and is used as greetings by the Abaluhya people from western Kenya. The luhyas are known for their passionate handshakes and peaceful nature. Mulembe FM aims to inform its audience on socio-economic developments both in the rural and urban areas.
Iredio ya Mulembe FM yachachibwa omwesi wa khabiri nikuli ekhumi nende khane omwika kwa 2005.Likhuwa Mulembe lirumishirungwa khu amashesiano.
Abandu baluhya bachama omulembe ne bamanyikha khulwo okhushesiania mumakhono.Lichomo lia Mulembe FM nokhwechesia no khumanyia abarecheresi shinga banyala okhwikhusia nende khwitsiririsia mutsingongo.

Nairobi, Kenia
Nairobi - - -
Mulembe Fm