country: ht radio: radio-lumiere-97-9-fm
Radio lumière Radio lumière
Radio lumière

Radio Lumière regroupe neuf stations de radio chrétiennes et une chaîne de télévision chrétienne. Il couvre 90% de l'île d'Haïti avec le message de l'amour du Christ.

Radio Lumière transmet sur la fréquence radio 97.9 fm

Radio Lumière belongs to the Evangelical Baptist Mission of South Haiti but is operated as a service to all of the evangelical churches. In fact, Radio Lumière is known as the voice of the Protestant Church in Haiti.

Programming, staff, and financial support come from all of the evangelical denominations.

Cote Plage 16, Port au Prince, Haïti
Port au Prince
(+509) 2816 - 7618 - - -
Radio lumière